


时间:2024-09-14  来源:     点击数:






联系电话:18516587714   E-mailzhaoyao714@126.com


2015.09-2021.06   中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心(上海植物生理生态研究所) 理学博士

2011.09-2015.06   西北师范大学生命科学学院  理学学士


2024.08至今 3200威尼斯vip 特聘研究员

2021.07-2024.07   浙江省农业科学院病毒学与生物技术研究所  博士后





1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,32272553,水稻核苷二磷酸激酶1调控茉莉酸途径介导白叶枯病抗性的机制研究,2023-01-012026-12-3154万元,参与

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,32070341F-box蛋白ANDR1调控水稻花药绒毡层细胞程序化死亡进程的分子机理研究,2021-01-012024-12-3158万元,参与

3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,31600225RLF1亚硝基化介导生长素调控水稻侧根发育的分子机制,2017-01-012019-12-3120万元,参与


1. Zhao Y, Hu J, Zhang Y, Tao H, Li L, He Y, Zhang X, Zhang C, Hong G. (2023) Unveiling targeted spatial metabolome of rice seed at the dough stage using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry imaging. Food Research International, 174:113578.

2. Zhao Y, Zhang X, Lang Z, Zhang C, Li L, He Y, Liu N, Zhu Y, Hong G. (2024) Comparison of nutritional diversity in five fresh legumes using flavonoids metabolomics and postharvest Botrytis cinerea defence analysis of peas mediated by sakuranetin. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 72(11):6053–6063.

3. Zhao Y, Hu J, Zhou Z, Li L, Zhang X, He Y, Zhang C, Wang J, Hong G. (2024) Biofortified rice provides rich sakuranetin in endosperm. Rice, 17(1):19.

4. Zhao Y#, Zhai G#, Li X, Tao H, Li L, He Y, Zhang X, Wang F, Hong G, Zhu Y. (2022) Metabolomics reveals nutritional diversity among six coarse cereals and antioxidant activity analysis of grain sorghum and sweet sorghum. Antioxidants, 11(10):1984.

5. He Y, Zhao Y, Hu J, Wang L, Li L, Zhang X, Zhou Z, Chen L, Wang H, Wang J, Hong G. (2024) The OsBZR1-OsSPX1/2 module fine-tunes the growth-immunity trade-off in adaptation to phosphate availability in rice. Molecular Plant, 17(2):258-276.

6. Tao H, Zhao Y, Li L, He Y, Zhang X, Zhu Y, Hong G. (2023) Comparative metabolomics of flavonoids in twenty vegetables reveal their nutritional diversity and potential health benefits. Food Research International, 164:112384.

7. Zhang C, Zhao Y, Tao H, Li L, He Y, Zhang X, Zhu Y, Hong G. (2023) Analysis of the flavonoidome reveals the different health-promoting flavonoid characteristics in fruit. Antioxidants, 12(9):1665.

8. He N, Chen L, Sun A, Zhao Y, Yin S, Guo F. (2022) A nitric oxide burst at the shoot apex triggers a heat-responsive pathway in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants, 8(4):434-450.

9. Chen J, Chen S, He N, Wang Q, Zhao Y, Gao W, Guo F. (2020) Nuclear-encoded synthesis of the D1 subunit of photosystem II increases photosynthetic efficiency and crop yield, Nature Plants, 6(5):570-580.

10. Tao H, Gao F, Linying Li, He Y, Zhang X, Wang M, Wei J, Zhao Y, Zhang C, Wang Q, Hong G. (2024) WRKY33 negatively regulates anthocyanin biosynthesis and cooperates with PHR1 to mediate acclimation to phosphate starvation. Plant Communications, 16:100821.

11. Li L, Zhang X, Li D, Su H, He Y, Xu Z, Zhao Y, Hong Y, Li Q, Xu P, Hong G. (2024) CsPHRs-CsJAZ3 incorporates phosphate signaling and jasmonate pathway to regulate catechin biosynthesis in Camellia sinensis. Horticulture Research, 11(8):uhae178.

12. Zhang X, Li L, He Y, Lang Z, Zhao Y, Tao H, Li Q, Hong G. (2023) The CsHSFA-CsJAZ6 module-mediated high temperature regulates flavonoid metabolism in Camellia sinensis. Plant, Cell & Environment, 46(8):2401-2418.

13. Tao H, Li L, He Y, Zhang X, Zhao Y, Wang Q, Hong G. (2022) Flavonoids in vegetables: improvement of dietary flavonoids by metabolic engineering to promote health, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 11:1-15.

14. Zhang X, Li L, Lang Z, Li D, He Y, Zhao Y, Tao H, Wei J, Li Q, Hong G. (2022) Genome-wide characterization of NAC transcription factors in Camellia sinensis and the involvement of CsNAC28 in drought tolerance. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022.1065261.

15. Lang Z, Xu Z, Li L, He Y, Zhao Y, Zhang C, Hong G, Zhang X. (2023) Comprehensive Genomic analysis of trihelix family in tea plant (Camellia sinensis) and their putative roles in osmotic stress. Plants, 13(1):70.

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