


时间:2018-03-15  来源:3200威尼斯vip 3200威尼斯vip     点击数:


学历/学位:博士 Degree:Doctor

职称/职务:教授/科技处副处长 Title:Professor

研究领域:作物分子生理学 Research areaCrop Physiology and Molecular Biology

Email:junbodu@hotmail.com; junbodu@sicau.edu.cn















基因与生活(本科生)/Gene and Life (Undergraduate)

本科生科研训练(本科生)/Independent Study Courses in Plant Biology (Undergraduate)

本科生科研兴趣实验/Scientific Research Training (Undergraduate)

本科生创新实验/Innovation Experiment Training (Undergraduate)

2研究生招生Master Programs):






Major for master students (Including international MASTER students): Crop Cultivation and Farming System (Plant Physiology and Crop Growth Regulation, Crop Molecular Biology)

Welcome the excellent international undergraduates to apply for my master students.




Research interest: Molecular mechanisms of crops resistant to abiotic stresses and crop genetic improvement

Shade stress is one of the most principal factors that affect normal growth and development and yield boosting of crops in the intercropping and high-density planting systems, which has the extremely disadvantageous influence to agriculture. Most soybean varieties show less tolerance to shade and other abiotic stress in the intercropping system, the mechanisms underlying shade signal transduction is urgently investigated. We employ multi-disciplinary approaches including biology and crop cultivation to study the physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying the resistance of soybean to abiotic stresses by using soybean landrace (Glycine max) and wild soybean (Glycine soja) as the materials. We also screen and clone key genes that is resistant to stresses, use biotechnology approaches to improve the plant architecture, yield and seed quality of soybean landraces, and eventually implement the higher resistance, quality and yield of soybean.


  1. 影响生长素运输的新受体激酶调控大豆避荫反应的分子机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2019-2022

  2. 大豆耐荫基因发掘与品种改良,四川省科技厅国际合作项目,2018-2019

  3. 拟南芥核孔蛋白SBB1/NUP85调控受体激酶BAK1介导的自发性细胞死亡分子机理,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2017-2020

  4. 大豆受体激酶介导的避荫反应调控研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2015-2017

  5. 西南大豆品种耐荫基因资源挖掘及遗传转化体系构建,2017年度留学回国人员科技活动择优资助

  6. 拟南芥类受体激酶BAK1和BKK1调控活性氧介导的细胞死亡分子机理,中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2011-2013

  7. 核孔蛋白SBB1调控植物受体激酶介导的细胞死亡分子机理,中国博士后科学基金第5批特别资助,2012-2013


Muhammad Ahsan Asghar,Junbo Du*, Hengke Jiang, Yan Li, Xin Sun, Jing Shang, Jiang Liu, Weiguo Liu, Shakeel Imran, Nasir Iqbal, Bushra Ahmad, Sajad Hussain, Liang Yu, Chunyan Liu, Wenyu Yang. (2019). Shade pretreatment enhanced drought resistance of soybean.Environmental and Experimental Botany, 171, 1–11. doi.org/10.1016/j.envexpbot.2019.103952.

Yan Li, Hengke Jiang, Xin Sun, Ahsan Asghar Muhammad, Jiang Liu, Weiguo Liu, Kai Shu, Jing Shang, Feng Yang, Xiaoling Wu, Taiwen Yong, Xiaochun Wang, Liang Yu, Chunyan Liu, Wenyu Yangy andJunbo Du*. (2019). Quantitative proteomic analyses identified multiple sugar metabolic proteins in soybean under shade stress.The Journal of Biochemistry, 165 (3): 277–288

George Bawa, Lingyang Feng, Li Yan, Yongli Du, Jing Shang, Xin Sun, Xiaochun Wang, Liang Yu, Chunyan Liu, Wenyu Yang andJunbo Du*. (2019). Pre-treatment of salicylic acid enhances resistance of soybean seedlings toFusarium solani.Plant Molecular Biology,101, 315–323.

Muhammad Ahsan Asghar, Yan Li, Hengke Jiang, Xin Sun, Bushra Ahmad, Shakeel Imran, Liang Yu, Chunyan Liu, Wenyu Yang, andJunbo Du*. (2019). Crosstalk between Abscisic Acid and Auxin under Osmotic Stress.Agronomy Journal, 111, 1–6.

Junbo Du*, Yan Li, Xin Sun, Liang Yu, Hengke Jiang, Qiulin Cao, Jing Shang, Mengyuan Sun, Yi Liu, Kai Shu, Jiang Liu, Taiwen Yong, Weiguo Liu, Feng Yang, Xiaochun Wang, Chunyan Liu, and Wenyu Yang. (2018). Characterization of a splice variant of soybean ERECTA devoid of an intracellular kinase domain in response to shade stress.Journal of Genetics97, 1–9.

Junbo Du*, Tianfu Han, Gai Junyi, Taiwen Yong, Xin Sun, Xiaochun Wang, Feng Yang, Jiang Liu, Kai Shu, Weiguo Liu and Yang Wenyu (2018) Maize-soybean strip intercropping: Achieved a balance between high productivity and sustainability.Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 17, 60345–60347.

Junbo Du*, Hengke Jiang, Xin Sun, Yan Li, Yi Liu, Mengyuan Sun, Zhou Fan, Qiulin Cao, Lingyang Feng, Jing Shang, Kai Shu, Jiang Liu, Feng Yang, Weiguo Liu, Taiwen Yong, Xiaochun Wang, Shu Yuan, Liang Yu, Chunyan Liu, and Wenyu Yang. (2018). Auxin and gibberellins are required for the receptor-like kinase ERECTA regulated hypocotyl elongation in shade avoidance in Arabidopsis.Frontiers in Plant Science9, 1893.

Junbo Du*, Xin Sun, Mengyuan Sun, Hengke Jiang, Yan Li, Chuanyin Wan, Goerge Bawa, Runsheng Wu, Kai Shu, Jiang Liu, Weiguo Liu, Feng Yang, Taiwen Yong, Xiaochun Wang, Shu Yuan, Zhuang Li and Wenyu Yang. (2017). Identification and expression analysis of ERECTA homologous genes inGlycine max.International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 19, 1497–1504.

Junbo Du*, Baolin Zhao, Xin Sun, Mengyuan Sun, Dongzhi Zhang, Shasha Zhang and Wenyu Yang. (2017). Identification and Characterization of Multiple Intermediate Alleles of the Key Genes Regulating Brassinosteroid Biosynthesis Pathways.Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 1893.

Yang Gao, Yujun Wu,Junbo Du, Yanyan Zhan, Doudou Sun, Jianxin Zhao, Shasha Zhang, Jia Li* and Kai He. (2017). Both Light-Induced SA Accumulation and ETI Mediators Contribute to the Cell Death Regulated by BAK1 and BKK1.Frontiers in Plant Science, 8.

Junbo Du, Yang Gao, Yanyan Zhan, Shasha Zhang, Yujun Wu, Yao Xiao, Bo Zou, Kai He, Xiaoping Gou, Guojing Li, Honghui Lin and Jia Li*.(2016). Nucleocytoplasmic trafficking is essential for BAK1-and BKK1-mediated cell-death control.The Plant Journal, 85, 520–531.

Junbo Du, Hongju Yin, Shasha Zhang, Zhuoyun Wei, Baolin Zhao, Jinghua Zhang, Xiaoping Gou, Honghui Lin* and Jia Li*. (2012). Somatic Embryogenesis Receptor Kinases Control Root Development Mainly via Brassinosteroid-Independent Actions inArabidopsis thaliana.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 54, 388–399.

Wanzhuo Gong, Pengfei Qi,Junbo Du,Xin Sun, Xiaoling Wu, Chun Song, Weiguo Liu, Yushan Wu, Xiaobo Yu, Taiwen Yong, Xiaochun Wang, Feng Yang, Yanhong Yan and Wenyu Yang.(2014). Transcriptome Analysis of Shade-Induced Inhibition on Leaf Size in Relay Intercropped Soybean.PLoS ONE, 9.

Jia Li*,Junbo Du, Kai He and Xiaoping Gou.(2012). Cell-death control by receptor kinases inArabidopsis thaliana. InReceptor-like Kinases in Plants: From Development to Defense(Tax, F. and Kemmerling, B. eds). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 79–91. (Book chapter)

Junbo Du, Shu Yuan, Yanger Chen, Xin Sun, Zhongwei Zhang, Fei Xu, Ming Yuan, Jing Shang and Honghui Lin*. (2011). Comparative expression analysis of dehydrins between two barley varieties, wild barley and Tibetan hulless barley associated with different stress resistance.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 33, 567–574.

冯丽平,黎艳,蒋亨珂,孙歆,袁明,杜俊波*. (2018).植物受体激酶BAK1介导的细胞死亡调控研究进展.中国细胞生物学学报40, 1944–1951.

黎艳,孙孟园,蒋亨珂,孙歆,杨文钰,杜俊波*. (2018).类受体激酶调控根生长发育的研究进展.西北植物学报38, (12), 2336–2346.

孙孟园,白云,李振宇,黎艳,蒋亨珂,孙歆,余靓,刘春燕,杨文钰,杜俊波*.(2018).60Co-γ射线诱变大豆"桂夏7号"突变体筛选.3200威尼斯vip学报, 36 (141). 737–744.

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